Hello everyone! Sorry for being in such a long hiatus lately. There's been a lot to do and to process these few weeks. To start with main topic, I've been taking part in a few jams lately. The most important one being the first Barcelona King game Jam (7-8th of November). I have to say that this was my first 48h game jam. And it was a blast. The organisation was very clear with every step of the process and the venue was perfect. With IT in case we might need it and a ton of food and coffee for the coming hours of work. We were a lot of people too. 12 groups of 5 members if I remember correctly. But there weren't many opportunities to talk and connect with other people, since everyone was so invested working in their project. The ambient was fine though. Every once in a while someone was laughing or joking with their team members. Everything went pretty smoothly until there was a general blackout in the street (the Jam building included). We had to abandon the...
A Game Developer journal.