Hi, my name is Joan Centellas Jimenez.
I am a Level Designer.
I am a catalan based in Berlin that is determined to create interesting interactive digital worlds for players to dive in, enjoy and grow. As an architect, I decided to merge my passion and my vocation and bring everything I learnt to the medium I grew up with. My goal is to craft new experiences for players, the same way the games I played helped me grow as a person, kept me curious and learn more about the world we live in.
I'm a young Architect, 3D generalist and Level Designer that wants to start writing about videogames and his experiences playing and creating them.
I've been playing videogames since I was very little. My first own console was the Game Boy although by that time I had already played the NES and Master System at my cousin's house. Since then I've kept playing games. They've helped me cope with several difficult times in my life and I felt that with them I was able to keep going whatever the obstacles. They were a refuge. My way to escape life's problems and to grow my imagination.
Over the years I started looking more and more into the creation aspect of them, and when I was 15, I started developing copies of 1942, Ricochet and Tetris following several online tutorials. Even though I forgot all of this by the time I was done with Architecture I kept my goals untouched:I wanted to build game worlds to give back everything those videogames of my youth gave to me.
During my years in University I decided to create my own videogames blog, get to know the spanish industry through forums and after a year or two I got to write in several spanish videogaming media outlets. I also started looking into 3D modelling for architecture and, after that, for videogames. Finally I got into the UPC School Videogame Master programm to develop my first serious attempt of a videogame.
It was pretty good, and thanks to that I'm now a 3D generalist and Level Designer in a videogame studio in Barcelona.This is just the beginning though. As this blog is just my way to save my game progress. I hope I'm able to save once a week and update my game.
See you around and keep playing.