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Changing perspective

Hello again everyone!

Lots of stuff happened this week. And hell of a lot more are going to happen the next one. I've been acting more as a project lead on one of the project. And we have our first member that decided to leave. Also, we had kind of major problems with one of the team members that had some issues with the way I suggested to work.

Although he had no other suggestions for change. This really bothers me.

Anyway, I've been finishing some personal stuff for next year (let's hope it becomes a reality!) and I've been working on other projects in which I was falling behind the schedule. And this was because last week I went to a wedding that took all my weekend... :S

Although it was kinda cool to stay away from any kind of screen for 48 hours.

Also, I've been catching up with the Double Fine documentary recently. And I have to say I totally get where they are coming from. Even with my little experience.

It's a great documentary, even if you're not that interested in game development, so I'll link it below :)

This is becoming a big introduction. So I'll take out the big guns:

Next week I'm leaving my home.

I'm just going to the city to live near my work, but it means leaving (FINALLY) my parent's house.

It is really quiet here. I have my cats and during spring this place is just amazing, but I really need to start changing my views of the world. And this seems like a perfect step to take. It is also about damn time for me to do it.

It will also help me prioritise my actions better, get more organised and be more active physically speaking. Or at least I hope so. Because all this could help me deal better with the problems I could encounter developing games and with other team members. Which are two of the topics I've been very concerned with recently.

Specially the latter.

But I guess I'll find a way for it to not affect, or improve the quality of the project. At the very least I'll learn something valuable.

To conclude, the project I helped develop during the Master was selected as a Finalist in the Three Headed Monkey awards :D.