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Showing posts from February, 2015

Journey, Crucible and Epiphany (III)

Hello everyone! It's the end of the week and this means this text is the end of the three-part text where I try to explain the three phases of an artist experience. In my opinion, as always. Last time I tried to explain what was the Crucible through what I think was mine. I also wrote about the Journey and it's importance. But today I want to talk about the key element: the Epiphany. Despite using this name I'm not talking about something religious. I'll add the definition again: " An  epiphany  (from the  ancient Greek  ἐπιφάνεια,  epiphaneia , "manifestation, striking appearance") is an experience of sudden and striking realisation. Generally the term is used to describe scientific breakthrough, religious or philosophical discoveries, but it can apply in any situation in which an enlightening realisation allows a problem or situation to be understood from a new and deeper perspective. Epiphanies are studied by  psychologists  and other scholars...

Journey, Crucible and Epiphany (II)

Another post? ALREADY? Hell yes. I need to make up for the last two weeks of silence.  So, I'm going to try to define what the second stage of self discovery is, and means for me. For those that don't remember what the three stages are, you can check the title again.  Today I'm going to write about the Crucible.  I think the best way to describe this phase is by comparing it with how the blacksmiths work. There are several things they do to prepare the blade. They hit it, they treat it with different types of oil and they heat it.  All these preparations they make, would be the journey. It's what gets you in contact with the world. It represents effort through an extended period of time and how you start to understand the complex nature of the world you're living in.  It is everything that you discover about the "outside" that stimulates changes in the inside.  The crucible would be...Well, the crucible is already one of the blacksmiths instrum...

Journey, Crucible and Epiphany (I)

Okay. I didn't have the time to remember to write here these weeks. It's been a crazy mix of radical colds, work, new side projects and a barrage of apartment hunting after works. This is no excuse for almost 2 weeks without writing. But, the truth is that I have started this post a week ago, but I did not finish it. In this post I wanted to write about what, I think, defines the three main stages of the artists self discovery. But in the end I decided to make three posts instead of 1. This way I'm able to describe a little bit better each stage. I started thinking about this one a few years ago. I was still in Architecture School and a professor explained us, for the first time, the life of Le Corbusier.  For the ones that read this name for the first time, he is considered to be one of the fathers of Modern Architecture trend (roughly from 1910 to 1960, at least the great ones). This man lived his life as an apprentice until he decided it was time to tra...

Table Top Adventures!

Hello everyone! After a few days of rest, I've managed to make some time to draw again. This time I wanted to do something I had in my mind for a few months already. Right after I started working I also began playing D&D. Well, it's actually lord of the Rings, but I the point is that I started to be interested in tabletop gaming. Almost at the same time, a group of people from Gametrailers started their adventure in D&D. And I've been following their story. And I have to say, it has been fantastic. They're a joy to watch and it's always funny. So I decided I wanted to draw them. And until now I couldn't do it. Now, there are four members in their party: Hogger a brute half orc that wants revenge. Laila Melamne, a beatiful wood elf druid. Pervince Tosscobble, the hero-wannabe halfling bard that will steal your heart. And Andry High the least known halfling thief. During their journey lots of things happened, and I tried to include as many refer...